Home Secretary Jacqui

Coulson: homes secretary is determined to pile one forced regime on top of another

Smith's strong-arm solution

By Peter Coulson

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has made it abundantly clear that the lead ministry on licensing was, is, and will remain, the Home Office, says Peter Coulson.

Hayward: code will lead to job losses

BBPA: alcohol code based on flawed logic

By John Harrington

The trade group tells Home Secretary Jacqui Smith that new restrictions on how licensees sell alcohol will be met with disbelief by many — and will accelerate pub closures.

Metal detector plan for pubs and clubs

Metal detector plan for pubs and clubs

By Ewan Turney

Pubs and clubs could have metal detectors installed at entrances to check for knives and guns. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith announced today, in the...

Ban on kids street drinking

Ban on kids street drinking

Police are to get new powers to stop kids from drinking on the streets. Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is set to unveil plans for a renewed blitz on...